A November Morning Basket

The air here in the south has finally maintained the cool afternoon air and cold nights. The air is crisp, the leaves have started turning, and it is clear...Autumn is here to stay. Sometimes I wish we lived further north so we could experience a longer season and winters with snow. That's what traveling is for anyway, right? 
Our November Morning Basket has certainly changed over the years and I hope you can find a few resources that might be fun for your family. One thing hasn't changed though...we still keep it in a basket! The only preparation is gathering your resources and plopping them in the basket for a good time! 

The Book List

Our Favorite Classic and Unique November books including historical and nature type backgrounds!

See all of our recommended Morning Basket books and materials in one storefront right here: November Morning Basket

Music & Art Appreciation 


Remember that a morning basket is calm and collective time to wake up and enjoy the day! Choose a few books and engaging activities to get started!