Digital, printable
Discover the simple beauty of the African Lion anatomy & facts with your elementary or middle school child.
There are 8 pages containing:
One labeled anatomy sheet with facts.
One blank anatomy sheet with fill in the blank lines.
One Coordinating Journaling Page.
One Coloring Sheet
Two Posters
One Animal Cutout Page (with multiple animals)
One Landscape Page
These anatomy pack pages are a great addition to a simple nature study, or themed history unit. Includes activity ideas for cutouts and landscape. Consider pairing with picture books to build on a story!
Recommendation: Print Anatomy Page on heavy weight card stock and trim with a corner punch for desired look. Laminate the blank anatomy page for multiple tries!
Please Note: Do NOT share these files in any way as sharing creative property without permission is illegal. This purchase is a digital file only. Other products pictured are for staging purposes and to give an example of how to use the cards. Single or Personal Use only.